Good morning!
In truth, we've to create a pilot test from before proceeding to Google Docs. However, I took the initiative to complete the list of questionnaires in Google Docs first because we need to compile the feedbacks for our next assignment of which we need to produce a mini research. Indeed, it came as shock in the first place that one could actually create a list of questionnaires through Google Documents. I was pretty surprised by the multitude one can do and create through this application. Below are some of the steps to creating survey form through Google application:-
1. Sign in through your Gmail account
3. Click on the tab, "Create New" on your left-hand side of the screen.
4. Click on "Form" in the drop down menu
5. Create and add demography and items/questions in various format - namely multiple choice, check boxes and scale. (These items will be used as coding purposes via SPSS)
6. Explore the function of "Save", "Open" and "Edit form" tabs
7. After you're done, email the form to your course mates for testing purposes.
8. Explore the use of Spreadsheet for this online questionnaires
9. Download this document as Excel format. (As this file will be imported into SPSS)
10. Analyse and correct the questions based on the feedbacks provided.
Yet, I've encountered several problems while exploring this application. I was feeling quite lost and frustrated while searching high and low for the buttons provided in Google Docs application. In fact, I was quite confused in locating the tabs as I was unfamiliar with the nature and functions of the application. ICT learning is all about trial and error. So, I explore the Google Docs application in hopes that I will eventually get a hang of it. Besides, I did refer to our course lecturer and other course mates for help.
Besides, my pair and I also faced some problems deciding for a topic. After much series of brainstorming and exchange of ideas, we've decided upon, " The Need of Critical Web-Research Skills in Developing Positive Web Behaviours". Yet, to grasp a better understanding of the topic, we even looked up for scholarly journals and books from the Internet. Thanks to our previous exposure to UKM library databases, Google Books and Scholar, we are able to conduct a search process for reliable and valid information as evidences to support our hypothesis. As soon as, we've completed the list of questionnaire, we emailed it to trainees from Sarawak Teacher Training Institute (IPGKS) and Dato‘ Razali Ismail (IPKDRI). This is when the database created in GE1155 Yahoo! group comes in handy. We are able to gain access to their email address especially those from IPKDRI. Besides, we've also distributed 10 copies of the printed questionnaire to random respondents and thankfully, they gave their full cooperation.
Honestly, it was quite a straining and busy week for us as we're struggling with other assignments too. I knew I'm still behind schedule when it comes to ICT assignments. Therefore, I've learned to manage my time more systematically to avoid further procrastination.
Happy Reading!
P/s: This is our questionnaire form. =) (
Signing off,
Aileen Tiong Ling
GGGE1155 Computer in Education
Faculty of Education
Telephone Num. : 013-5603522
Email Address(es) :
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