Saturday, 30 July 2011

Reflection Week 3b: (Pilot Test)

Good morning!

Sorry for the late update. The 3rd week has been quite a hectic and turbulent for me as we have to complete basically 3 tasks within the week. We're required to create a pilot test, a short survey of 10 multiple questions. The purpose of it was to get us familiar with survey forms and ways to prepare for them. As we all know, is a free online survey software and questionnaire tool. In other words, the software is not only convenient and user-friendly but also cost-saving.

Before we proceeded on creating the list of 10 questions, we have to create an account via the software itself. Below are the following steps to create an account and subsequently the pilot test:-
  1. Log into the official webpage of (
  2. As we're only beginners in creating the list of questionnaires, sign in through the tab, "Basic Plan"
  3. Click onto the button, "Sign up for free" located on the right-hand side of the computer screen.
  4. Select a username and key in your password as well as email address for respective identification and notification purposes.
  5. Click on the tab, "Create Account" to finalise your joining the software.
These are some of the steps to create a list of questionnaire (Pilot test):
  1. Click on the tab, "Create Survey" at the upper right hand side of the computer screen.
  2. Key in the supposed title the survey and its category.
  3. Users will be directed to an "Edit survey" page.
  4. Click on the button "Add questions" to create new questions. Please be noted that answers for those questions should be provided as well. Questions should be penned in the upper box and accompanied with the answers in the bottom box.
  5. After finalising the list of questions in the survey form, add the survey form to your official Facebook account to be shared with your course mates, friends or instructors. 
  6. You're also encouraged to print out the survey forms to be distributed.
That's all from me now.

Happy Exploring!

P/s: Comments are most welcome. =)

Aileen Tiong Ling
GGGE1155 Computer in Education
Faculty of Education
Telephone Num.         : 013-5603522
Email Address(es)      :
Yahoo! Group Account :
Facebook Account       :
Blog Address              :

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Reflection Week 3b: Google Docs (Questionnaire Form)

Good morning!

In truth, we've to create a pilot test from before proceeding to Google Docs. However, I took the initiative to complete the list of questionnaires in Google Docs first because we need to compile the feedbacks for our next assignment of which we need to produce a mini research. Indeed, it came as shock in the first place that one could actually create a list of questionnaires through Google Documents. I was pretty surprised by the multitude one can do and create through this application. Below are some of the steps to creating survey form through Google application:-
1.     Sign in through your Gmail account
2.     Open or click on documents if using your Gmail account
3.     Click on the tab, "Create New" on your left-hand side of the screen.
4.     Click on "Form" in the drop down menu
5.     Create and add demography and items/questions in various format - namely multiple choice, check boxes and scale. (These items will be used as coding purposes via SPSS
6.     Explore the function of "Save", "Open" and "Edit form" tabs
7.     After you're done, email the form to your course mates for testing purposes.
8.     Explore the use of Spreadsheet for this online questionnaires 
9.     Download this document as Excel format. (As this file will be imported into SPSS
10. Analyse and correct the questions based on the feedbacks provided.
Yet, I've encountered several problems while exploring this application. I was feeling quite lost and frustrated while searching high and low for the buttons provided in Google Docs application. In fact, I was quite confused in locating the tabs as I was unfamiliar with the nature and functions of the application. ICT learning is all about trial and error. So, I explore the Google Docs application in hopes that I will eventually get a hang of it. Besides, I did refer to our course lecturer and other course mates for help.

Besides, my pair and I also faced some problems deciding for a topic. After much series of brainstorming and exchange of ideas, we've decided upon, " The Need of Critical Web-Research Skills in Developing Positive Web Behaviours". Yet, to grasp a better understanding of the topic, we even looked up for scholarly journals and books from the Internet. Thanks to our previous exposure to UKM library databases, Google Books and Scholar, we are able to conduct a search process for reliable and valid information as evidences to support our hypothesis. As soon as, we've completed the list of questionnaire, we emailed it to trainees from Sarawak Teacher Training Institute (IPGKS) and Dato‘ Razali Ismail (IPKDRI). This is when the database created in GE1155 Yahoo! group comes in handy. We are able to gain access to their email address especially those from IPKDRI. Besides, we've also distributed 10 copies of the printed questionnaire to random respondents and thankfully, they gave their full cooperation.

Honestly, it was quite a straining and busy week for us as we're struggling with other assignments too. I knew I'm still behind schedule when it comes to ICT assignments. Therefore, I've learned to manage my time more systematically to avoid further procrastination. 

Signing off,

Aileen Tiong Ling
GGGE1155 Computer in Education
Faculty of Education
Telephone Num.         : 013-5603522
Email Address(es)      :
Yahoo! Group Account :
Facebook Account       :
Blog Address              :

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Reflection Week 3a: Literature Review (Think, Pair & Share)


It was still the 3rd week and we're already receiving our fourth assignment from our course coordinators. Basically, this assignment is the continuation of Assignment 1, another "Think, Pair & Share" activity. My pair, Rachel Chin and I have to produce a literature review based on our Week 1 topic, "Thinking Skills and ICT".  We are required to review on online journals and e-books as well as e-articles from UKM Database, Google Book and Google Scholar as we need to write a report based on those reviews. We are also encouraged to include information from other reliable websites for evidential supports. However, before proceeding further into our report, we have to decide upon a research problem so as to specify the scope of the topic chosen. It's the priority in producing a good report. Besides, by deciding on a research problem, I could actually focus more on the scope of the topic and thus increase my knowledge on the subject matter concerned. Our search process was in fact guided by our research problem.

Unknowingly, we're actually implementing the topic, "Thinking Skills & ICT" into this course subject. Interactions are conducted mostly via the virtual environment. Yet, many still remain unaware of the power of ICT. In fact, there are misconceptions that the integration of thinking skills in ICT is unnecessary and futile. Needless to say, most ICT users are taking the issue for granted as they assumed both entities are unrelated and should not be linked together. 

After a series of search processes and discussions, we've decided to settle on "Developing Critical Thinking through Web-Research Skills". As a known fact, critical thinking plays a pivotal role in our daily lives. Imagine performing online banking transactions without adequate use of critical thinking. One would face the high possibility of being hacked and spammed by some unknown entity. In general, lack of thinking skills would lead to many serious crimes, ranging from cyber bullying to plagiarism cases. Thus, the need to implement critical thinking into web-research skills is adamant. Take for example, many ICT users always fall victim for unreliable and invalid information from the Internet. This could affect the users' performance be it in educational fields or working places.

What should be done by the Malaysian government to promote critical thinking in web-research skills? Plenty I would say. In fact, the Malaysian education system has propose the improvisation the whole national curricula and thus introduces KSSR/ KSSM programs, to focus on ICT implementation in schools. It's a big leap for a developing country like Malaysia which aspires to be on par with other developed countries. For more info, download and read at:

Yet, there are plenty rough and tumble along the path to perfection.One of the problems faced is most definitely the time management. Initially, I had a hard time trying to readjust my time. I have to include this additional assignment into my already jam-packed schedule and also to complete it on time. Our only option is to gather and discuss for information and ideas at any given free period. My pair and I often interact and share information across the virtual environment as we're often busy at any other time. It was difficult and tiring at first, but as soon as we got used to it, we managed to complete the assignment without much problems. I need to learn to do things one step at a time, rather than rushing headlong for the sake of completing the assignment. Henceforth, I would not succumb to stress so easily.

As I went through the report, I discovered the crucial need to apply the correct style rule of quoting for referencing and citation purposes. Our failure in providing the accurate citation ad referencing formats could actually land ourselves in hot waters. Our work products will be branded as products of plagiarism. We ourselves might face expulsion from the academy if we were to be discovered providing inaccurate citation formats. Therefore, I would like to thank my pair, Rachel Chin and Barbara Kath for their attempts in clarifying my doubts concerning referencing as well as their guidance in my providing accurate references. That's all from today.

Aileen A135735, signing off...

Happy Reading!

P/s: Comments are most welcome =)

Aileen Tiong Ling
GGGE1155 Computer in Education
Faculty of Education
Telephone Num.         : 013-5603522
Email Address(es)      :
Yahoo! Group Account :
Facebook Account       :
Blog Address              :

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Week2 (b): Task 3 (Report on Learning Management System)

Every passing week marks a new beginning for me. There's always something new in store. Earlier this week, we were given a new Think, Pair and Share activity to be completed. We have to prepare a report about the 1H5W components (how, what, who, why, where and which) and examples of open source softwares of Learning Management System (LMS) to be uploaded in Google Docs. It was quite a daunting task as the terms used were rather new and unfamiliar due to my lack of exposure in ICT. In other words, I've learnt and understood more about ICT in this short semester 3b compared to the past 20 years of my life. My pair, Rachel Chin and I did some research beforehand to learn and acquire more information about LMS. By the end of the day, we've gained basic ideas about LMS to be included in our report.

As we're aware of, the ever improving technology has resulted in a never-seen-before learning environment, known as E-learning in which LMS plays a pivotal role. In fact, the Malaysian education system is adopting the aforementioned system so as to realise the Malaysian dream of being on par with other developed countries. However, this system is still quite unpopular among most Malaysians as they are still in favour of the conventional classroom learning environment. Needless to say, the Malaysian government would have a hard time trying to apply such system into our education system. Unknowingly, this system benefits us than one would ever be aware of. This system promises ICT users the opportunity to equip oneself with boundless information. Not to mention, the application itself is both time-saving and cost cutting as well as user-friendly. 

However, is it ironic that we're actually practising LMS in our course subject GE1155 yet remain unaware of its functions and impact on our lives. Learning is an ongoing process, from cradle to grave. Therefore, there shouldn't be any restriction in one's quest to gain knowledge and information. Henceforth, LMS is created in such a way which learning could take place regardless of one's position as long as network receptions are available. LMS has broken down boundaries that existed long ago before the introduction of ICT in the 1980s. LMS promises to minimise the digital divide amongst schools nationwide in order to produce equally ICT-savvy future leaders of Malaysia. 

Furthermore, LMS also benefits those who crave for further education, such as Master or Ph. D.'s degrees. Most of these candidates are either preoccupied with their career or personal commitments, thus "disqualified" to pursue their lifelong dreams. LMS has provided them the opportunities to further their studies without much complication. Besides that, as aforementioned, most Malaysians are still fond of the conventional form of learning and thus ignoring the countless benefits we could reap from ICT itself. Henceforth, it would be best if ICT is integrated into the traditional form of education, especially in primary and secondary institutions (blended learning). Thus, we could reap the best of both worlds which will further develop the country.

Despite the delightful process of acquiring information about LMS, I've faced several problems which could easily come undone if I tried hard enough. And that I did. Initially, I was confused between CLMS (Content Learning Management System) And LMS. Both terms sounded almost similar. Hence, Rachel and I did some basic research on their similarities and differences to clarify our doubts via Google search. We've found out the LMS is directed solely for classroom and E-learning management whereas LCMS exists only for the learning content management. In fact, LMS focuses mainly on its learners' learning progress. Due to the consistent evolution of ICT nowadays, more features were added into LMS software, namely drop boxes, wikis and weblogs. 

We've also found some interesting articles about LMS. These articles are nothing less than beneficial for us. And I hope you all would find them informative too.
Read more at:

Time management is another major problem faced as I struggled to juggle my time between Computer in Education and other course subjects. This has taught me a lesson as I almost ended up procrastinating most of my other assignments. It's quite difficult for me to find equilibrium with so many assignments pouring in. I managed to overcome this problem by discussing with my pair at any given free time. Besides, we often keep in contact via email or Facebook chat box. Thus, I've learnt the importance of time and stress management in our attempt to complete the activities given. I could end up berserk if I had not been managing my time and stress properly.

Read our report at:

Happy Reading!

P/s: Comments are most welcome. =)

Aileen Tiong Ling
GGGE1155 Computer in Education
Faculty of Education
Telephone Num.         : 013-5603522
Email Address(es)      :
Yahoo! Group Account :
Facebook Account       :
Blog Address              :

Monday, 18 July 2011

My Reflection (Week 2) - Think, Pair & Share: Thinking Skills & ICT


Another hectic week. We've received our very first assignment from our course coordinator, Dr. Siti Fatimah via the Yahoo! group account ( We were given 10 subtopics in which each and one of us need to select one to discuss about. After much consideration, I've decided on Topic 3 (Thinking Skills & ICT). The reason behind me choosing over the topic is due to the fact that the topic itself seems familiar and  comprehensible to me. I was not expecting anything and thought it would be an easy breeze for me. How was I to know that it was one of the most complex topic to write upon as the topic itself was very general yet vague. 

Firstly, I tried to minimise my scope on the topic to focus on one main issue. I looked up the internet via the search engines and found an article ( about "The Role of ICT in Constructivist Teaching of Thinking Skills". The article itself is strongly related to the topic I am about to pen into an essay, "The Integration of Thinking Skills into ICT". It is interesting and fascinating to know how thinking skills (Creative & critical thinking skills, information processing and etc) are incorporated into ICT learning itself. In fact, come to think of it, why are thinking skills necessary in ICT learning especially in this rapid era of modernisation and urbanisation. 

Beforehand, I never knew that thinking skills could be inter-related with ICT learning. How was I to know that these elements are dependeent on one another.  Although to others, the topic sounded as easy as a breeze, but the process of trying to pen an essay on the topic was actually quite excruciating. In fact, I faced several problems in trying to produce an essay in which could clear out the doubts about thinking skills and ICT among my fellow course mates. 

As aforementioned, the topic being too vague and general posed as a problem for me. As I need to find a specific purpose to talk and write upon. Luckily, I have Rachel Chin as my pair in this assignment. An additional head for brainstorming is always so welcoming. In fact, before coming to a finite decision, we struggled a lot especially about the specific scope of the topic. We even went as far as asking opinions from other pairs concerning our topic which I think is pretty unnecessary. After much discussions, we finalised our decision and agreed on the topic, "The Integration of Thinking Skills in ICT". We explored on the four main thinking skills incorporated into ICT learning, namely creative and critical thinking skills, information processing and enquiry-based thinking skills. We tried to give explicit detail and even some examples of the use ICT tools in thinking skills to give a clear perspective upon the topic and avoid confusion among out course mates.

Yet, wouldn't it be ironic if I were not to know my topic explicitly? In fact, we tried to search as many materials as possible be it from the internet or library since either both of us has no prior knowledge regarding the topic, but to no avail. How strange isn't it, that something which sounded so easy and familiar would eventually cornered us up into a dead end. So we end up trying to brainstorm for ideas and points to be written in that review.

This assignment has cleared up many of my misconceptions about ICT learning. Previously, I used to underestimate the "power" of ICT abuse and thought it was probably a minor issue. Through this assignment, both me and Rachel have given some thoughts on the topic and decided to come clean about the priority of the application thinking skills in ICT learning. Take for example, critical thinking skills are a must criteria in internet surfing as there are high risk of scam and fraud cases in certain "trusted" websites. ICT users could be easily yet unknowingly deceived by these misleading websites. 

After several discussions, we decided to upload an article as mentioned above to give an overview about the topic (here). It is the nearest we could find that's related to the topic (The integration of thinking skills in ICT). Then, after a series of web surfing and information searching, we managed to come up with sufficient and reliable information sources to be included in the essay. The essay was uploaded on my Facebook group account ( for sharing purposes. We also get to comment and ask questions regarding other topics which other pairs have posted up in their Facebook group account too. In fact, through this online discussion via Facebook as the medium for interaction, we are given the chance to learn more and study about the different perspectives from other group members regarding the assigned topics.

In short, I've learned bountiful through this assignment. It showed to me the importance of thinking skills in ICT learning. In fact, what we're doing now in this course subject (GE1155-Computer in Education) is part of the integration of thinking skills in ICT learning. Without thinking skills, we would be not able to even have this conversation. No online discussion, no sharing of information, no reflections posted on blogs, and the list goes on. Thus, we as ICT users should not underestimate the power of thinking skills in ICT learning. As ICT could be manipulated to harm and scam other users. 

That's all for now!
See you next time! =)

Aileen Tiong Ling
GGGE1155 Computer in Education
Faculty of Education
Telephone Num.            : 013-5603522
Email Address(es)         :
Yahoo! Group Account :
Facebook Account        :
Blog Address                 :

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

My Reflection (Week 1)

Hello, Folks!

Sorry for the late update on the Week 1 reflection.It has been a turbulent week for me. To my horror, we have to take up GGGE1155 Computer In Education as a part of our elective course subject this semester 3B. Yes! You heard me right. How ironic, isn't it? Given that I'm quite a computer illiterate. Okay! Maybe I'm exaggerating a little but yes, this course has given me the creeps. Why? Let's take a walk down memory lane.

Up till the age of 15 (when I'm studying in Form 3), I've never had any sorts hand-on experience with computers. In fact, my mother only started applying for Streamyx service when I'm studying in Form 5. So I am actually a late bloomer, ICT-wise.

Our first lecture with Mr. Farduddin was really interesting. It began  with the introduction into ICT, which of course, was quite a foreign subject to me. He began to break down parts of the introduction to make the lesson all the more comprehensible. He explained in details about the different components composed in a computer and their varying functions. Besides that, he presented us with slides on the operation system of computer, virus and anti-virus programs (and their functions), both hardware and programming software available nowadays. In fact, those slides are really benefiting me as I am able to understand the nature of this subject course more easily than before. The slides are interesting, brief but yet compact with useful informations. In short, Mr. Fariduddin has done a great job in trying to make the whole subject comprehensible. He managed to ease my insecurities especially in ICT wise.

Yet, I seemed to have fallen into deep despair when I was to learn that I need to create various new accounts (personal and group) for lesson purposes. The instruction itself was mind boggling as well. Why? You should have seen it yourself. Yet thankfully, Mr Fariduddin has prepared a document to be shown through a projector, mainly on the procedures to create (or should I said re-create) these accounts.

Our very first instruction was to join the UKM lecturer for the Computer In Education course subject, Dr. Siti Fatimah bt Mohd. Yassin's Yahoo! group at . By doing this, e-learning are being made available for us as most of the notes and informations are emailed to us via the group account. After our requests were being accepted, we proceeded with creating a new official Yahoo! email account. These are some few steps that actually drove me mad with desperation initially. (Please refer to this) This goes the same with my Gmail account too(Refer to this). Thankfully, with much help for Barbara Kath, the class "technician" and Mr. Fariduddin, I barely survive the 'battle' with ICT. Just kidding!

After my successful attempt in creating my official email accounts, I need to create a Yahoo! group, with me as the administrator of the group. This subject course is life-draining. Although most of my course mates (including me as well) have our own personal Facebook account, we were required to create another account for official purposes. This goes the same too with creating a Facebook group. These accounts will serve as the medium where our trainees and lecturers could get together to discuss issues and problems faced while dealing with ICT.

Last but not least, a blog is as equally important too as the rest of the accounts as our blogs would serve as a web - portfolio. We have to post our reflections (mainly about our learning processes and improvements throughout the subject) every week to be shared to others. 

In short, the first week was all about my introduction into the ICT world. I used to find ICT quite  dreadful. Maybe I was lacking the interest to explore on the evolution of ICT. In fact, I need to brush up on my fairly slacking ICT skills as ICT has been gaining its momentum over the past few years in the Malaysian Education System. In other words, this course subject will be a stepping stone for me to further my knowledge in ICT, which will definitely comes in handy when I begin career as a teacher. Although I did sound negative initially, I am really grateful that we are given the chance to polish up our knowledge on the use and importance of ICT. As ICT had been changing for the best over the years gone by, I think it is best for me to upgrade myself constantly too.

And although this course subject is quite packed, I am glad that it actually helped me in my further understanding of ICT. I would like to thank Dr. Siti Fatimah and Mr. Fariduddin for their guidance and efforts given in my quest to understand and 'befriend" ICT, as well as the rest of my course mates too.

That's all from me.
So long, guys! And have a great day ahead of you!

P/s: Do comment on my posts. =)

AileenTiong Ling
GGGE1155 Computer in Education
Faculty of Education
Telephone Num.         : 013-5603522
Email Address(es)      :
Yahoo! Group Account :
Facebook Account       :
Blog Address              :

Sunday, 10 July 2011

How To Create An Official Blog?

The term "Blogging" is so well-known nowadays that people worldwide dubbed blogspots as "The Online Diary/ E-Diary". So, these are some few step in creating an official blog account.
  1. Visit the Blogger homepage at as shown in the above picture.
  2. Start creating your very own blog by clicking onto the the button, "Create a blog"
  3. Register using you Gmail account's username and password. If you do not own a Gmail account yet, you can refer to this.
  4. Verify your registration through your Gmail account for the finalisation process.
After an successful attempt in creating a blogspot, you can start editing your profile informations and updating on your intended posts and messages. You can start customising your blogspt too by selecting different designs and coloured templates to achieve a your desired blogspot features. 

You can 'follow' my blogspot at

P/s: Do feel free to leave comments or messages in my chat box if I'm unavailable at the moment. =) 

Happy Blogging, guys! 


Aileen Tiong Ling
GGGE1155 Computer in Education
Faculty of Education
Telephone Num.         : 013-5603522
Email Address(es)      :
Yahoo! Group Account :
Facebook Account       :
Blog Address              :

Electronic Group Discussion Networks

Hello, Folks! We meet up again to discuss a new topic, "How To Create Electronic Group Discussion Networks, namely Yahoo! Group and Facebook Group?

Yahoo! Group
These are some of the simple steps to create your very own Yahoo! Group.
  1. First of all, before creating a new Yahoo! group, do ensure that you have already created an official Yahoo! email account previously. If you have not done that yet, do refer to the previous post, "How to create an official Yahoo! email account?"
  2. Visit Yahoo! Group home page at and click on the button "Start your group" at your right handed side of the computer screen. 
  3. Follow the procedures required step by step in order to customise your Yahoo! Group account.
  4. Start inviting friends and facilitators through their email addresses and wait for their replies. =)
As a requirement for the GGGE1155 course, "Computer in Education", we need to join the Yahoo! Group created by the UKM lecturer, Dr. Siti Fatimah bt Mohd Yassin. So, these are the steps to join in a certain Yahoo! group account.
  1. Log into the intended Yahoo! Group account. In my case, it's
  2. Click the button "Join" located at the bottom part of the computer screen.
  3. Follow through the procedures required step by step to validate your joining the Yahoo! Group account.
  4. Do remember to introduce yourself to make yourself known to the administrator of the Yahoo! Group Account.
Happy Exploring!

Facebook Group
These are some steps to creating an official Facebook group.
  1. As usual, make sure you have an official Facebook account before proceeding to create a group account. If you have not done so, refer to the previous post, "How to register for an official Facebook account?"
  2. At the left-handed side of the screen, click on the button, "Create a group"
  3. Type in the desired group name and names of friends you would like to add into your group in the drop-down menu.
  4. Next, click on the button, "Create" to finalise your creating an official Facebook group account.
  5. Last but not least, you need to reset the group's privacy setting from "Open" to "Restricted" to prevent access of unrelated people.
Creating an official Facebook group enables the administrator to notify the others member by putting up posts or messages on the group's wall. In short, Facebooking is so CONVENIENT! Facebook group has made chatting among its member available too through a specialised "chat room". =)

P/s: Remember to join my official Facebook group by the name of "Computer in Education (B.Ed. TESL) - Aileen Tiong Ling"


Aileen Tiong Ling
GGGE1155 Computer in Education
Faculty of Education
Telephone Num.         : 013-5603522
Email Address(es)      :
Yahoo! Group Account :
Facebook Account       :
Blog Address              :