Wednesday, 24 August 2011

A Thank You Note To All!

Throughout these seven weeks of intense ICT learning, I've found out that I gained so much more than what I've bargained for. In fact, I've never known that acquiring ICT-related skills could be so strenuous yet interesting at the same time. I used to stay out from anything that's related to ICT because I've always thought ICT learning is much more difficult and time-consuming compared to any other academic learning. And I was not wrong. Truth to be told, I faced numerous difficulties throughout Computer in Education especially problems regarding to stress and time management. I hardly had enough time to complete the tasks given on time. What more to say about the other two course subjects. I've learnt a valuable lesson through ICT learning that one must not procrastinate and postpone every work to the eleventh hour. I ended up a zombie (figuratively) trying to finish up all the tasks given in all three course subjects on time. Thankfully, I have Rachel Chin as a great partner to help me out. In order to further reduce more time being wasted, we even delegated the tasks among ourselves. In other words, the road to ICT learning might be bitter and energy-draining, but the fruits it bear are definitely sweet. I've walked away a more knowledgeable person. I not only learned a bountiful from ICT learning but also got the chance to re-use my prior knowledge regarding to ICT tools and brush up the existing skills. In fact, this entry is dedicated for those who have helped me to get through this difficult yet educational phase. 

First of all, I would like to thank our course coordinator, Dr. Siti Fatimah and course lecturer, Mr. Fariduddin for all the helps given and received. Thank you for making ICT learning all the more interesting. 

Thank you to Rachel Chin too, my ICT partner of seven weeks who always helped me through thick and thin of ICT learning. Your existence is definitely a blessing in disguise. 

Last but not least, a heart-felt thank you to all my course mates for making ICT learning more bearable. Your selflessness in sharing information and providing guidances is deeply appreciated. I'll remember it forever.

Well, folks! This would mark the end of Computer in Education (GGGE1155). But rest assure. This would not be the last time you'll see me. And I'll always continue my journey in ICT learning to the ends of my life regardless the hurdles I might face.  

Toodles ~ ~ And I hope to see you again... =)

Aileen Tiong Ling
GGGE1155 Computer in Education
Faculty of Education
Telephone Num.         : 013-5603522
Email Address(es)      :
Yahoo! Group Account :
Facebook Account       :
Blog Address              :

Friday, 19 August 2011

Week 7(b): Database

Hello! This is going to be our last week together. =)

This week, we're required to prepare a database about students' information management through the application of Open Office Base. Honestly, this is the very first time I've come across database. I've never seen the need of acquiring the appropriate skills of creating a database. How wrong was I then. In fact, the act of planning and creating a database is one of the most basic skill a teacher should acquire. It is our duty to prepare a database about students information as records to show our understanding and dedication towards the teaching profession. The following are some of the basic steps to planning and creating a database.

1.   Tables: Create table in Design view (4 separate tables)

·         Student table(use student ID as a Primary key)
·         Parent table (use student ID as a Primary key)
·         Curriculum table (use student ID as a Primary key)
·         Co-curriculum table(use student ID as a Primary key)
2.   Tool --> Relationship: Create relationships between tables by linking the student ID (Do not create students’ names in any other table except the Student Table)
3.   Use Wizard to Create Form:
·         Student Form
·         Parent Form
·         Curriculum Form
·         Co-curriculum Form
4.   Data entry using Form (Note: do not use table for data entry)
5.   Create several queries from the database
6.   Create reports based on the queries.

Here, I would like to thank Mr Fariduddin for relentless effort in explaining the ways to create and plan a database. In fact, the lecture given was sweet, short yet concise. Although I had no prior knowledge whatsoever in creating a database and this was my very contact towards such application, I found the task quite interesting and fun. Weird for me to say so, right? Yeah but I really enjoyed it. Maybe it's because this would my last assignment of GE1155 so I would like to make the best out of it.

Initially, I did face some problems regarding my planning and creating the database. In fact, I mix up the procedures required to be followed in order to create the desired database so my first database ended up in a jumble. After a series of trial and error, i tried again and found the prefect solution to it. It seemed that I forgot to refer to the instructions given by our coordinator and thus, I landed myself in deep waters. I was not supposed to insert students' names in any other tables other than that of "Student Table". Besides, I had some problems in inserting the required data into queries too. Truth to be told, I referred to others' work and found out that their queries was a one table results. It differed from mine as we had four tables of queries. Later, I've got to know that my method was also right. In fact, I spent hours of fretting and worrying over something that was supposedly correct. However, it taught me something new that day as databases can be created in several different ways based on people's preferences. 

All in all, by the end of this course subject, I felt that I've gained more than what I've bargained for. And for that, I'm always thankful.

P/s: A thank you entry is coming up soon. =)

Aileen Tiong Ling
GGGE1155 Computer in Education
Faculty of Education
Telephone Num.         : 013-5603522
Email Address(es)      :
Yahoo! Group Account :
Facebook Account       :
Blog Address              :

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Week 7 (a): Spreadsheet

Good morning! Nice to meet you again! =)

This week assignment is similar with the previous one as we're required to prepare two spreadsheets namely , (a) personal annual finance and management and (b) students' scores and grade analysis spreadsheets. 

In the first assignment, we're required to plan and create an annual financial management of income and spendings using Open Office Calc. Honestly, I've never come anywhere close to this application so thus I've pretty confused upon my first contact with this application. Try imagine my dilemma. Even though I did have some prior knowledge regarding Microsoft Excel, but I rarely find the need to use and apply it into my academics and therefore I was pretty vague about its functions and application. What more to say me using Open Office Calc which was such a foreign subject matter to me. In fact, I had a hard time trying to apply and link the formulas required together in order to produce data. Both Rachel and I felt lost and confused, so as my other coursemates. Therefore, I took the initiative to consult Mr. Farriduddin for help and thankfully enough, he did spend an entire two hours of lecture to brief on the ways to link the formula together to create the desired data. I found the assignment easier to complete and be done of after an explanation from our course lecturer. Initially, I made the mistake of thinking that the spreadsheet was to be done in 3 months. We later got to know that we have to prepare a yearly spreadsheet. In other words, we need to come up with a financial management spreadsheet of 12 months. However, all in all, we took just half a day to complete the first half of the assignment after much guidances from Mr. Fariddudin. 

Next, moving into the latter part of the assignment where we need to plan and prepare a spreadsheet about (virtual) students' scores and grade analysis. We are instructed to complete this assignment through Microsoft excel. We need to include the functions present in the spreadsheet format namely, VLOOKUP, STDEV, AVERAGE, and COUNTIF. These functions are useful and time-saving as they help us to read values of the data keyed in automatically from the given range without much problems. Truth to be told, this application is extremely useful for us as future teachers as we too have to prepare students' score inputs. We don't have to spend precious time trying to insert the data given manually which can be proven to be quite troublesome compared to using the functions available in Microsoft Excel. Although I did face many problems upon my contact on both Microsoft Excel and Open Office Calc, practise always make perfect. My attempt in trying to locate the different position of the function butons and tans is proven to be a success after a series relentless trial and error.  

All in all, both applications are proven to be very useful in my future teaching profession. the fist part of the assignment could be applied in managing the annual school finance management specially those related to event planning. The latter part of the assignment is equally important too as we need to acquire such skill in order to create and prepare students' score analysis. Both applications are of much use in our not-too-distant teaching career. Honestly, this course subject, "Computer in Education" has provided me the opportunity to acquire new skills and brush up the existing knowledge to be applied into my future teaching career. So, thanks so much!

Happy Reading! =)


Aileen Tiong Ling
GGGE1155 Computer in Education
Faculty of Education
Telephone Num.         : 013-5603522
Email Address(es)      :
Yahoo! Group Account :
Facebook Account       :
Blog Address              :